ForGetHer 3

(A bond is like a fine thread that we can only see once it has been ripped apart)

Almost all words you can read on the job description is to keep all informations of the boss and the company a secret. Curious about being the P.A. of the most feared boss in the business world, as they say curiosity kills 'am I going to die if I accept this promotion?' Allen thought

'Well, keeping a secret about your job is actually an etiquette for work so it's not a problem for me, but I kinda feel like there's something more if I accepted this, like digging my own graveyard'

"Ahhhh!!! It's almost a week since I got the information, what should I do?" Talking to himself, feeling down about the promotion

"Hey! You've been out of it lately, you okay?" Val as a person who catch up with people's emotions quickly, asked

"Yeah, I'm sorry" feeling responsible for making his friend uncomfortable

"Why apologize?" He's just being concerned about his friend looking gloomy almost everyday since he was called by the HR

"Seems like I'm bothering you with my mood today" talking without energy making his friend more worried

"It's okay, I'm just worried" they are working on a new project so they're very busy

"Hmm I'm sorry for making you worry" Allen feels like he's working and doing things with his mind floating around, he's physically present but mentally absent

"Come on let's grab some lunch" Val's terrified about his friend's health, making a note to his mind to make sure his friend eats well

"Yeah" agreed to Val because he doesn't want to do any work

"Let's eat with everyone" trying to lighten up his friend by eating with their co-workers

"Okay" answering without even thinking

He doesn't really have any appetite because he's still not sure if he's going to accept the promotion or not

After ordering some food and sitting with his co-workers they started chatting about many things he doesn't care to respond or to talk about, until one question caught his attention

CW1 "Hey, did you know?" One of his co-worker asked

VAL "Know what?" Asking with curiosity

CW1 "That the big boss is going to hire a P.A."

That made Allen stiffened

CW2 "Really??? I thought he doesn't trust anybody except his only friend"

CW1 "I was shocked by hearing it myself"

'Oh dear, how did she know about this??'

CW3 "Maybe it's just a rumor"

CW1 "No it's not just a rumor, I heard it myself"

CW4 "Then if it's not, I wish that person a good luck, working as a P.A. of the »R ENTERPRISE'S« big boss, that's quite a lot"

VAL "Maybe it's not that scary, it would be good to know the big boss right??"

CW2 "ha! knowing the big boss? It's not scary but it would be terrifying! You heard the rumors about him right? His hideous looks and personality, he's unfriendly, anti-social--"

"Hey, talking like that about the person you don't even know is not good at all, right? You talk like you know him personally, it's all just a rumor so stop spreading bad words about him" his co workers were taken aback by Allen's statement not only his co-workers even he himself were shocked about what he had just said but, it really did made him angry

CW2 "Yeah right, you also talk like you know him, defending the boss like that-"

Cutting him off "I'm not defending him, It is the right thing to do, how would you feel if someone's backstabbing you when they don't even know you?" This conversation is making him even more angrier

CW2 "So you're telling me that someone's backstabbing me?"

"No! I am just telling you "what if" someone's backstabbing you how would you feel" raising his voice a little

"Ahhhh okay let's stop right there and don't fight over that, come on break time's over" Val was so shocked that Allen can raise his voice like that

Allen didn't got the chance to eat his lunch, he decided he will not eat with them ever again 'cause it will just ruin his mood

"You stop right there Allen" Val wanted to know what's wrong with Allen

"What?!" snapping at Val without thinking

"Wha-wow it's the first time you snapped at me" amazement written in Val's face

"Sorry, 'cause--- I- arrrggghhh!!" This is making Allen feel more frustrated

"It's okay, and it's also the first time you talked to someone like what you did earlier" clearly amazed with Allen's new attitude 

"Yeah, I shouldn't have joined them--"

"No, what you did was right and seeing this new side of yours is kinda good and refreshing" Val said with a smirk

"Thank you Val" thankful for his understanding friend

"No problem, just cheer up"

Because of what happened, finally he decided to accept the promotion and making sure to himself that he will get to know their mysterious boss to prove everyone that they are wrong about him