005 - I'll let you go when you fall in love with me.

After enduring 24 hours of Arette's absence, Garette initially attempted to maintain a facade of strength, convincing himself she could handle whatever situation she found herself in.

But eventually, he reached his breaking point.

Bursting out of his house, Garette dashed straight to Dami's residence, his frantic knocks echoing through the quiet night.

Dami, who had been pacing anxiously, swiftly opened the door.

"Arette still hasn't returned?" Dami inquired urgently, her own anxiety mirroring Garette's.

Garette shook his head frantically, fear palpable in his expression.

"Maybe she went back to Evermore," Garette attempted to console himself with false hope, imagining Arette returning to her music school.

But deep down, he knew it was highly unlikely.

Even if she had gone back, she would have reached out to them by now using a friend's phone.

"She couldn't have," Dami asserted, her voice filled with certainty.

"It's been twenty-four hours. Let's go report her missing at the police station." Garette nodded in agreement, his head clouded with worry.

Racing upstairs to retrieve her bag, Garette's feet tapped anxiously on the floor, his mind a whirlwind of anxious thoughts.

He fought to suppress the onslaught of negativity threatening to overwhelm him, clinging to the slim hope that they would find Arette safe and sound.

With his parents still absent, Garette couldn't help but wonder where they had gone.

He scolded himself inwardly, realising he had overlooked any information they had given him about their plans.

Frustration mingled with guilt as he struggled to recall if they had mentioned anything about travelling or carrying luggage.

As Dami returned, Garette pushed aside his self-blame and focused on the task at hand.

Together, they hurried outside and hailed a taxi, eager to reach the nearest police station and report Arette's disappearance.

Each passing moment felt like an eternity.

As Dami and Garette stepped into the dimly lit lobby of the police station, they exchanged eye contacts and they could clearly see fear written on each other's faces.

Garette's face was plastered with worry and fear, his usually carefree demeanour replaced by furrowed brows and clenched fists.

Dami, resolute and determined, led the way to the front desk where a weary officer glanced up from his paperwork.

"I'm Officer Agreste,Can I help you?" he asked, his voice tired but attentive and his eyes meeting those of Dami and Garette, who stood anxiously before him.

"We need to report a missing person," Dami said, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides.

The officer motioned for them to take a seat as he reached for a form.

Garette sank into the chair, his gaze fixed on the floor as if searching for answers in the linoleum tiles.

Dami's voice trembled as she recounted the events of the previous night.

"We were at Platinum, the new club downtown. It was supposed to be a night of celebration," she said, her hands fidgeting with the strap of her purse.

"Arette went to the bathroom and... she never came back."

Officer Agreste nodded, jotting down notes as Dami spoke. Garette's hands trembled in his lap.

Officer Agreste leaned forward, his demeanour a blend of professional concern and human empathy. "Did you notice anything unusual at the club? Anyone who might have been watching her or following her?" he asked, his pen poised above the notepad.

Dami shook her head, her eyes welling up with tears. "No, nothing. But I found her phone, shattered on the dance floor. It's like she just... vanished."

It was just dawning on Dami that Arette must be in serious danger out there, "Something happened to her, I know it."

"Please, help me find my sister," Garette let out.

The officer nodded, scribbling down notes. "We'll start by reviewing the club's security footage and speaking to the staff. We'll do everything we can to find Arette," he assured them, his voice firm.

As Dami and Garette left the station, the morning sun began to rise, casting long shadows across the city.

Somewhere out there, Arette was waiting to be found, and they wouldn't rest until they brought her home.

Garette tossed and turned in bed, his mind consumed by thoughts of Arette's whereabouts.

Despite his exhaustion, he wasn't able to sleep throughout the night.

Similarly, Dami found herself restless, unable to sleep.

As Garette wandered to the kitchen for a drink, memories of Arette's playful antics flooded his mind.

Less than 48 hours ago, she had been chasing him around that very same space, her screams filling the air.

A sudden realisation struck Garette: he needed to thoroughly search through Arette's belongings.

However, he couldn't shake the nagging concern about enemies targeting her.

Nevertheless, he knew he had to push past his apprehensions and search her things for any clues.

Garette had gone through Arette's belongings on previous occasions, but his searches had been limited to retrieving her oversized hoodies, which she treasured for their comfort and warmth, especially in contrast to the formal attire she wore at Evermore.

This time, though, his exploration would be more thorough, driven by desperation to find any trace of his missing sister.

With a sense of urgency, Garette barged into Arette's room, his hands rummaging, unlocking drawers and going through her belongings.

His eyes fell upon a familiar music book, its pages slightly sticking from the middle.

With trembling hands, he opened it, revealing a collection of letters addressed to Arette.

His heart pounded in his chest as he scanned the letters, each one a potential clue to Arette's disappearance.

These letters held secrets, perhaps even dangers, that Arette had kept hidden from him and Dami.

As Garette went through the letters, a mix of emotions washed over him: fear, confusion, and a growing determination to uncover the truth behind his sister's disappearance.

With each letter he read, the puzzle pieces began to fall into place, giving a clearer picture of Arette's life beyond their family's knowledge.

"I caught a glimpse of you today, and I must say, you looked stunning. Your outfit was stunning, but it's your presence that truly commands attention."

- D.F

"I hope this letter finds you in good health. Please take care of your vocal cords; they are delicate instruments. Your voice is a gift to the world, and I want to ensure it remains for years to come."

- D.F

"I want you by my side terribly, Arette."

- D.F

"I saw you wore that dress, I hope I got your size correctly? It looked good on you. My love."


"I sent money for your new outfit. You deserve the best for your performance. Don't settle for less."

-D. F

Garette's breath caught in his throat as he processed the shocking revelation contained within the letters. "My sister had a stalker..."

Garette turned his attention to the second, smaller suitcase Arette had brought.

Its locked state was suspicious and had previously stopped him from inspecting its contents, but now, he had seen letters from a stalker, he knew he had to check whatever was inside.

Not knowing the password to unlock the suitcase, Garette resorted to brute force, determined to reveal its contents no matter the cost.

With anxiety and anticipation, he forced the suitcase open, his eyes widening in shock at the sight before him.

The interior was filled not with clothes or personal belongings, but with stacks of cash.

Inside, nestled among the bills, lay a delicate gold necklace and bracelets.

Garette's mind reeled at the discovery, questions swirled in his mind, each one more pressing than the last.

As Garette's mind raced with confusion and worry, he recalled the tense exchange with Arette the night she disappeared.

The memory of her abrupt dismissal when questioned about the cash box lingered in his mind, now set aside with the overwhelming evidence before him.

Unable to process the situation alone, Garette needed support from Dami.

Racing to her house, he called out for her attention, his voice trembling.

Dami followed him back to Arette's room, her concern mirroring his own.

Together, they stood in stunned silence, their eyes fixed on the suitcase overflowing with cash.

Garette and Dami exchanged bewildered glances, their minds racing with unanswered questions.

What secrets had Arette been hiding? And what danger had she unwittingly stumbled into?

"And there's a stack of letters from someone called DF. He's been sending her cash, even gold jewelleries. Dresses, too. This person is probably the one behind her disappearance," Garette relayed, prompting Dami to reach for the letters.

Seeing "D.F." triggered thoughts of Dominic Ferrari in her mind, though it seemed far-fetched that someone of his stature would be fixated on a university student in her early twenties.

With him being thirty-five and Arette just twenty-one, the age difference was glaring, and Dami swiftly dismissed the idea.

However, Dominic Ferrari was allegedly seen at the club on the night Arette disappeared.

Although she didn't see him, there were rumours of his presence.

"What if D.F. stands for Dominic Ferrari?" Dami proposed.

"Don't be ridiculous. Why would Chairman Ferrari be fixated on my sister? He's got more important matters to attend to," Garette countered.

"You're correct. It's far-fetched to consider that. Let's start by taking all of this to the police. The letters, money, and jewellery."

Arette stirred, feeling a bit more refreshed.

She stretched and sat up, noticing the dimly lit room with the curtains slightly parted, revealing the darkness outside.

Standing up, Arette searched for the light switch and flicked it on.

Although she was in her dream bedroom, she despised it.

The urge to leave gnawed at her, knowing her family must be worrying about her.

With caution, she nudged the door, and it swung open unexpectedly.

Arette dashed out, unfamiliar with the layout of the house. Assuming it was the dead of night and everyone was asleep in their respective rooms, she figured she had time to find her way out.

She continued walking, recognizing the familiar wall patterns, only to find herself standing at Dominic's doorstep.

Instinctively, she turned to walk away, but a firm grip on her hand halted her progress.

Without needing confirmation, she knew it was Dominic.

He pulled her closer, enveloping her in a tight embrace from behind. "Were you trying to leave me?" he asked softly, planting kisses on her neck. "Mhmm?" he pressed.

Arette remained silent, tears welling up in her eyes. "Please, let me go," she pleaded, her voice trembling.

"I'll let you go when you fall in love with me," he replied simply.