006 - I love the fear in your eyes when you look at me, It makes me want you more.

Dominic, seated in his rolling leather chair, let loose a string of curses when his secretary, Matthew, delivered the troubling news. The police had obtained evidence implicating Dominic in drug trafficking.

The source of this information was a spy cop who had managed to escape Dominic's men. Dominic felt an extreme anger towards those men, believing they deserved nothing less than death. Their actions not only exposed Dominic's illegal activities to the authorities but also damaged his reputation, particularly in the eyes of the love of his life..

Dominic's anger ran deep. He wished for punishment so intensely that he fantasized about inflicting endless suffering upon them, even in the afterlife.

An idea sparked in Dominic's mind, prompting him to grab his phone and dial Matthew's number. Despite the late hour, Matthew understood the importance of answering Dominic's calls without delay.

Matthew's work schedule was relentless, essentially a 24-hour shift, seven days a week, and 365 days a year. He never enjoyed days off or holiday breaks, but Matthew never voiced complaints because his compensation was more than sufficient. Some might argue he was being paid with his life, as the danger of his job loomed over him constantly.

Upon Matthew's answer, Dominic wasted no time issuing his command: "Track down the family members of those six fuckers and kill them all. That includes distant relatives, too."

Matthew grasped the identities of the "fuckers" Dominic referred to without needing further clarification. Among them was the commander whom Dominic had executed on the spot, along with the five other men whom Dominic had subjected to torture before their deaths. Matthew replied simply, "Yes, Chairman."

Dominic let out a sigh, feeling the tension in his muscles as he glanced at his empty bed. He longed for Arette's presence, but he understood her fear and shock in light of recent events. He was willing to give her the space and time she needed to adjust to her new life as his beloved.

Rising from his chair, Dominic made his way to the bed, running his fingers over the pillow where Arette had rested her head. Then, with resolve, he returned to his desk, retrieving his phone and slipping it into his pocket before heading towards the door.

Opening the door, Dominic caught sight of Arette as she turned to leave, but he swiftly reached out and pulled her into a hug. Despite his feelings, Dominic was aware of the reality of the situation. Arette hadn't come to seek him out; she likely got lost while attempting to find the main exit.

Acknowledging this, he gently questioned her, "Were you trying to leave me?" as he peppered kisses along her neck. "Mhmm?" he prompted, seeking reassurance. Despite his usual inclination to react strongly if his commands weren't obeyed, Dominic found himself surprisingly calm in Arette's presence.

Deep down, he knew he couldn't bear to let her slip away from him. He was never letting her go.

Arette remained silent, tears welling up in her eyes. "Please, let me go," she pleaded, her voice trembling.

Arette's plea fell on deaf ears as Dominic remained resolute in his determination. "I'll release you when you've fallen in love with me," he declared, his actions unyielding as he continued to shower her neck with kisses. Despite her silent tears and trembling voice, Arette stood frozen, unable to escape his embrace.

"Stop crying, it's irritating," Dominic remarked sharply, though Arette found herself unable to comply. She struggled to stifle her tears, desperate to regain control over her emotions, but her efforts proved futile in the face of Dominic's overpowering presence.

In a sudden and violent movement, Dominic yanked Arette around to face him, his hands closing around her neck as he pushed her back forcefully.

"I told you to stop fucking crying," he snarled, his grip tightening as her tears cascaded down, mingling with his hand.

Arette's cries only grew louder as fear filled her eyes, her body trembling under Dominic's forceful hold. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he roared, dragging her forward by her neck and slamming her against the wall. Arette's scream of pain echoed through the room as her body collided with the hard surface.

As Arette slid down the wall, she felt a searing pain shoot through her body, and she couldn't shake the fear that she had broken her spinal cord.

Sitting on the floor, confusion washed over her as she struggled to understand why Dominic was causing her such harm, especially considering his declarations of love and his ruthless actions against those who had harmed her.

Dominic, overcome with frustration and regret, turned away briefly, his temples throbbing with tension.

When he faced Arette again, he knelt down, reaching out to her with hands poised to comfort. But Arette recoiled, moving closer to the wall wanting it to swallow her.

"No, no, no, please don't hurt me," she pleaded, her voice trembling with fear and desperation.

Arette's survival instincts kicked in as she realized that staying alive was crucial if she ever wanted to escape and return home. "I won't try to leave again, please don't hurt me," she pleaded desperately. At that moment, she decided to wait for the right opportunity to escape while familiarizing herself with the layout of the house.

Dominic reassured Arette, insisting that everything was okay. However, when he reached out to her again, she flinched and let out a scream. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for hurting you. I didn't mean to, please forgive me," he begged, his words filled with regret.

This time, Dominic gently wiped away her tears, expressing concern for her well-being. "Is your back okay? I'm truly sorry for any pain I've caused," he apologized, his touch causing Arette to wince in discomfort, the apology offering no solace amidst her fear as she only got even more scared.

"Oh no, come," Dominic said gently as he wrapped his arms around Arette's neck and swiftly carried her in a bridal style, walking through the passage.

Arette felt completely lost, unsure of what was happening. One moment he was angry, and the next, he was pleading for forgiveness and expressing concern for her.

After a few seconds of brisk walking, Dominic reached the living area of the mansion. Arette peered down from the railings and spotted a large door, assuming it to be the exit from the mansion.

"Mrs. Wolfe! Mrs. Wolfe!" Dominic's voice echoed through the mansion as he screamed for assistance. Seconds later, Mrs. Wolfe, accompanied by two maids, emerged.

"Arette is hurt!" Dominic informed them urgently. Mrs. Wolfe and the maids quickly climbed the stairs, inquiring about Arette's injuries. Arette was surprised by Dominic's candor, as he explained what had happened without holding back. He admitted to choking her and pushing her.

Mrs. Wolfe immediately took charge, instructing the maids to fetch food and pain relief patches and medication. Meanwhile, Dominic made his way back to Arette's assigned room, which was farther from the living area than she had thought.

Arette, disoriented and unable to track the twists and turns Dominic took, found herself back in her room as he gently placed her on the bed.

"First, she'll eat before taking the medication, and then apply some patches to her back. The red marks on her neck will fade in a few days," Mrs. Wolfe instructed before leaving the room, leaving Arette alone with Dominic.

Arette wished Mrs. Wolfe would stay, but she couldn't muster the words. Dominic sat uncomfortably close, but Arette remained silent, unable to voice her discomfort. She couldn't bear the thought of him choking her again.

"You'll be fine," Dominic whispered, drawing Arette closer and gently caressing her arms. He showered her with kisses on her cheeks, jawline, and the corner of her lips, but Arette couldn't bring herself to express her discomfort.

As the two maids entered the room, Arette hoped Dominic would cease his affectionate gestures, but he persisted. The maids proceeded with their tasks as if nothing was happening, placing the food, medicine, and patches on the bubblegum pink coffee table.

"I'll feed you," Dominic declared, rising from the bed and making his way to the coffee table. He retrieved the food tray and returned to the bed.

Arette had barely eaten anything, surviving only on water and the orange juice. Despite her lack of appetite, her stomach betrayed her with a loud grumble, eliciting a smile from Dominic. However, Arette was mortified by the embarrassment and wished she could disappear.

"I know you haven't been eating. Let's fill up that tummy of yours," Dominic said, beginning to feed her. At first, Arette hesitated, but she knew better than to refuse food from him.

Surprisingly, Arette managed to finish the entire dish, a portion size she would never have consumed on a normal day.

"Now, time for the patches. Take off your top," Dominic ordered. Arette's eyes widened at his words. She didn't mind undressing in front of the maids, as they were women, but undressing in front of a man, especially Dominic Ferrari, was something she couldn't bring herself to do.

This time, Arette shook her head, albeit hesitantly. "Arette, you have to put these patches on, or you'll be in pain when you wake up," Dominic urged, but Arette continued to shake her head in refusal.

"You've been such a good girl for the past few minutes, don't test me," Dominic's voice carried a slight edge as he issued a thinly veiled threat to Arette.

Gulping nervously, fear etched across her face, Arette hesitated before complying, pulling her top over her head as Dominic had instructed.

A twisted smile spread across Dominic's face as he observed her terrified expression. "I love the fear in your eyes when you look at me. It makes me want you more," he remarked, his words sending a shiver down Arette's spine.