022 - I'll transcend from mere mortals and become a god.

Nonetheless, she was determined to make an effort.

"Why weren't you feeling well? Was it work-related stress?" she inquired.

"Yes, among other things. But I'll be fine as long as you're by my side," Dominic replied.

"Can you tell me what's bothering you exactly? You know, a problem shared is a problem halved," Arette attempted to feign comfort around him, hoping to steer the conversation in her favour.

She noticed Dominic's chuckle and felt a glimmer of hope – perhaps April's advice was accurate.

That was the most humane smile she had ever seen on him.

"Well... The police are eager to prosecute me because of their informant that my men let escape the other day. And your brother filing a missing person report with me as the prime suspect hasn't helped matters. Although he's withdrawn the report, they're still keen on pursuing me. They want to see me locked up," Dominic explained calmly.