023 - I was going to ask you out regardless.

Amidst the flurry of reactions, Garette's eyes inevitably searched for Dyanne, their silent exchange showed their unresolved tensions.

As the bell rang, signalling the end of class, Garette couldn't shake the urge to mend things with her, pondering how to earn her forgiveness.

The students packed their books and pens and headed out of the classroom while Garette was stopped by Mrs Hemsworth, "Have you been taking lessons?"

Her questions came out more like a sentence almost like she underestimated him thinking he could have never gotten the techniques of solving those equations without receiving help.

With a sigh, Garette responded, "No, I have not, Mrs Hemsworth."

He needed to catch up to Dyanne and mend things with her as soon as he could but the woman was ruining everything.

"And you expect me to believe that? What are you, Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton?" Mrs Hemsworth doubted.