024 - This man is pure evil.

In the privacy of Arette's room, she turned to Garette, her eyes filled with concern.

"Garette, are you doing okay?" she asked softly, her voice tinged with worry.

Garette managed a small smile, trying to ease her concerns. "Yeah, I'm alright, Arette," he replied, his voice steady despite being emotionally disorientated.

"I'm so sorry, Garette. I'm sorry I can't stay to protect you. If it were someone else, they would probably have found a way to escape Chairman Ferrari by now but I'm too weak to do so. Only if I had been a better sister then you wouldn't be alone like this."

She confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Arette couldn't shake off the guilt that had settled on her shoulders.

Garette's expression softened as he reached out to grasp her hand gently.

"Arette, none of this is your fault," he assured her earnestly, his eyes reflecting his sincerity.