025 - Kill Dominic and go back to your family.

As Dominic and Arette walked closer to his mother's tombstone, Dominic's sharp eyes spotted his twin sister, Dominique, standing solemnly before it.

Despite the darkness that cloaked the cemetery, there was familiarity in the way she held herself, a silent reverence for the memory of their mother.

As they approached, Dominique turned to face them, her expression unreadable in the dim light.

"I thought you wouldn't come this year," she remarked quietly, her voice carrying a hint of resignation.

Dominic's gaze softened as he met his sister's eyes.

"When have I ever not come to Mother's grave on her death anniversary?" he replied.

There was a brief moment of silence between them.

There were not too many differences between the two but, the loss of their mother was a thread that bound them together even closer, a reminder of the love they had both lost.