026 - She finally lost it.

Arette found herself alone in the cavernous living area, her footsteps echoing off the walls. As she scanned the room, a voice from behind startled her.

"Miss Arette!" called Mrs. Wolfe.

Arette turned, her heart pounding. "Hello," she replied, a hint of awkwardness in her tone.

"I'll show you to your room upstairs," Mrs. Wolfe announced.

Arette hesitated before speaking up. "Could you please get April for me?"

Mrs. Wolfe's face contorted into a scowl for a fleeting moment before she forced a smile. "April's job is to maintain the house," she replied curtly.

Arette mustered her courage and countered, "But Chairman Ferrari said April's job was to stay with me. You can't change that."

Mrs. Wolfe's face hardened. "The mansion is short-staffed as it is, with April sitting idly by your side all day!"

Arette felt her frustration growing. "Then you should discuss it with Chairman Ferrari. I need April!"