027 - Strip

[Read 'She finally lost it first']

Almost like she understood April's eyes, she ran to Dominic, Wrapping her bloodstained crimson hands around him.

Arette's mind raced, grasping for a way to shift the blame away from herself and onto Mrs. Wolfe.

"Dominic," she started, remembering that he wanted her to call his name without any formality.

"I didn't mean to get you worried... It was Mrs. Wolfe's fault!" Arette's voice quivered with false indignation as she spoke.

"She's been tormenting me, saying you will never love me, keeping April away from me. I couldn't take it anymore, Dominic. She drove me to this!"

The tension in the room was palpable as Arette's words hung in the air. Mrs. Wolfe's eyes widened in shock at the accusation, her mind reeling at the bold-faced lie that Arette had so casually uttered.

"This wretch," she thought to herself, struggling to maintain her composure.