Dirty little stalker

Arette was stunned by Dominic's request, uncertain of what he meant.

"Huh?" she uttered, confusion clouding her thoughts.

Dominic clarified, "We need to take a bath. We've been out all day."

As Arette turned to face him, she noticed he was now wearing only his boxers.

Just one piece of clothing separated his half-naked body from complete nudity.

Panic set in as she considered the possibility that he intended to bathe with her. "A-are we taking our baths together?" she stammered.

"Yes," Dominic confirmed, his tone unyielding.

Arette desperately searched for an excuse to avoid the awkward situation, blurting out, "What about the plasters on my feet? I can't get them wet!"

However, Dominic had a quick solution, stating, "I'll change them for you."

Arette knew that if she continued to make excuses, it would raise suspicion.