Dami Washington may or may not pose a threat.

Dominic Ferrari strode into his mansion after the press conference. He wasted no time and headed directly to Arette's room, eager to share his success with her.

As he approached, he heard the soft murmur of voices. Pushing the door open, he found Arette sitting on her bed with April and Sabrina.

Arette looked up, her face a mask of practised calm, though her heart raced with anxiety.

Dominic's face hardened. "Leave us. Now."

The maids exchanged a quick glance, then hurried out without a word, closing the door behind them.

Dominic walked over to Arette and pulled her into a tight hug. "The press conference was a success," he said, his voice calm and brimming with excitement.

"I'm one step closer to world domination."

Arette forced a smile, her arms loosely around him.