She posed a threat.

"Turns out he is in love with her and had been stalking her for the past year, sending her letters. She is probably the reason why he had been donating so much money to Evermore School of Music. He saw her out and thought it was best to take her with him," Dami went on, and Mark couldn't contain his shock.

"That is crazy! What are you going to do now? Have you informed the police? What about her family? Are they safe?"

Mark bombarded Dami with questions, but even he knew that the police wouldn't be able to do anything about it without them having solid proof that Dominic Ferrari took Arette.

Even if they had proof, Dominic Ferrari had people planted in the police that would get rid of the proof before it gets to the prosecution.

Mark was even sure that Dominic Ferrari had people in the prosecution, too.