Dean Blackburn the greedy man.

April suddenly snapped her fingers, a look of realisation crossing her face. "What if he's taking you to Evermore to make you drop out?"

Arette's heart sank at the thought. "You think he would really do that? Force me to leave school?"

April nodded grimly. "It wouldn't surprise me. He might see it as a way to isolate you even further to ensure you have no ties to the outside world."

Arette's mind raced as she considered April's theory.

She had been so hopeful, but now she realised she needed to be prepared for the worst. "If that's his plan, I need to find a way to resist. I can't let him take everything from me."

Just as they were deep in their conversation, Dominic barged in without knocking. It was his house anyway, and he didn't think there was any reason for him to knock.

Dominic's voice called out, "Arette, are you ready? We need to leave soon."

Arette took a deep breath, steeling herself. "Yes, Dominic. I'm ready."