Love is complicated, Washington.

Dami sat in class, scribbling half-hearted notes as the professor droned on about recognizing psychopaths. Mark, ever the distraction, leaned in and whispered, "I bet Charlie Jordan is one. Guy gives off major 'Dexter' vibes."

Dami snorted. "Yeah, because being overly charming and obsessed with his hair makes him a psycho. Totally."

"Exactly," Mark grinned. "Classic signs."

They exchanged a few more snarky comments, barely stifling their laughter until the professor shot them a warning glance.

The rest of the lecture was a blur of diagnostic criteria and signs, which, according to Dami, seemed a bit too relatable to half the people she knew.

After class, Dami trudged back to her dorm, where the familiar sounds of roommate bickering greeted her.

"Who the hell ate my gluten-free, dairy-free, flavour-free cookies?" Jen whined, glaring at their other roommate, Sara.