A deer caught in headlights.

Meanwhile, back on campus, Dami paced her dorm room, unable to shake the feeling of helplessness. She checked her phone again, hoping for any sign from Matthew. Nothing. She threw the phone onto her bed in frustration.

"Come on, Bruce," she muttered to herself. "Where are you?"

The next day, the mansion buzzed with activity as preparations for the showcase reached fever pitch.

Arette was a picture of calm on the outside, but inside, she was a storm of anxiety and anger.

Dominic had insisted on overseeing every detail, making sure everything was perfect.

He stood by the door, watching Arette closely as she got ready. "Remember, Love," he said, his voice cold and commanding, "you're representing me. Don't forget that."

"I won't," she replied, her voice steady despite the fear biting at her insides.