That was...

Damien paced his study, fear gnawing at him. The thought of whatever sinister plans Dominic might concoct in return for helping Dyanne made him question his decision. But the thought of Dyanne in jail was even more terrifying.

Mrs. Dubois entered the study quietly, her expression concerned. "Is everything set, Mr. Ferrari?"

Damien nodded, though his anxiety was evident. "I called Dominic and asked for help. He's handling it."

Mrs. Dubois was well aware of the deadly rivalry between Damien and Dominic and the countless conflicts that had cost lives in the past. She had chosen to stay with Damien because of her closer connection to his mother, Kim, rather than to Dominic's mother, Giselle. Despite the risk, Dyanne's safety was paramount, so she held back her worries.

"I hope he does it quickly and quietly," Mrs. Dubois said softly. "Dyanne is upstairs resting. She's terrified."