
The receipts made Garette sadder than he expected; they confirmed that James and Lauren weren't playing a prank on him. From his trouser pocket, he pulled out the small piece of paper he had hidden from Arette and Dami and read it repeatedly.

"It pains us to admit this, but you are not our biological children. We adopted you from the Orange Orphanage. Arette, your birth name is Kaya Northerner, and Garette, yours is Cocaine Ferrari. Perhaps this revelation will help you in your search for your biological parents.

With sincere apologies and best wishes,

James and Lauren Choi."

The letter stated they were adopted from the Orange Orphanage, and the receipts also mentioned Orange Orphanage. Garette knew exactly where to go.

But then, something else caught his eye. It was an ultrasound picture. Garette picked it up and inspected it; on the back, a few words were written:

"My darling princess…


– Lauren and James's precious daughter"