Unwanted physical contact.

Arette and April were sprawled on Arette's bed, the dim glow of a fancy lamp on the nightstand illuminating their faces. Between them lay a well-worn copy of "Galactic Horizons," a sci-fi novel April had brought to help Arette unwind after the stress of the Annual Showcase performance the previous day.

"I just can't get over how the author completely disregards the laws of physics in the space battle scenes," Arette said, her hands gesturing wildly. "It's like they think ships can just stop and turn on a dime in zero gravity!"

"But that's what makes it exciting!" April countered, her eyes sparkling. "It's not supposed to be a physics textbook. It's about the thrill, the drama. The Starfleet Commander doesn't have time to worry about inertia when she's dodging plasma blasts!"

Arette rolled her eyes but couldn't help grinning. April had only known her for just a little over two months but already knew her so well.