You shouldn't dress as nicely as Arette. You're just a maid, after all.

April and Arette turned to get ready. April glanced at Arette and said, "I don't have any nice clothes to wear, just jeans and shirts. Maybe you should take Sabrina instead?"

Internally, Sabrina felt excited at April's suggestion, but she kept her expression neutral.

Arette shook her head firmly. "No, April. I want you to come with me, not Sabrina. You can wear some of my clothes."

Sabrina's face tightened momentarily with frustration, but she quickly masked it with a smile. "Arette's right, April. You should go with her," she said, bitterly agreeing.

As they headed to Arette's closet, April began browsing through the collection of clothes, selecting an elegant, thigh-length black dress with delicate silver embroidery for Arette. It was a stunning outfit that would highlight Arette's beauty, and Sabrina couldn't help but stare in awe. Arette would radiate Greek goddess energy in that dress.