Nico the top Boss.

Dominic wrapped his hands around Arette's waist, pulling her body close to his as they exited the room, with April awkwardly trailing behind them. The grand passage seemed to stretch endlessly as they wallked, Dominic's grip on Arette firm.

Just as they were about to go down the stairs, Dominic's phone rang. With a frustrated sigh, he released Arette and took a few steps away to answer the call. April seized the opportunity, quickly stepping closer to Arette.

"Miss, ask him about the fingerprint device guarding the door. Maybe he could talk about registeribg your thumb in," April whispered urgently. Arette nodded slightly, understanding.

Dominic, now a few steps away, spoke into his phone. "Nico, I'm on my way. We'll be there soon."

Nico Serpenti's voice crackled on the other end, sounding eager. "Good. We have a lot to discuss."