Dominic, I felt so unsafe without you by my side.

Nicolas observed Dominic's clenched jaw and furrowed brow as they stood overlooking the first floor. The pulsing music reverberated through the air, but Nicolaa's attention was on his friend's escalating agitation.

"Wow, Domi. It's crazy to see you lose your cool over a girl," Nicolas remarked, trying to inject some levity into the tense atmosphere. Dominic was never the type to get serious about women. Aside from using them for sexual pleasure, he never claimed anyone, and there were even times Nicolas believed Dominic was gay but in denial.

"Don't tell me you really want her? She's just one of those girls, right?" Nicolas questioned in disbelief.

But Dominic's gaze remained fixed on the figure below. "Who is that guy?!" he asked no one in particular, his voice laced with anger.

"You mean the one speaking to your girl? He's either a snotty rich kid or a celebrity. His clothing style gives off that vibe."