And I suppose you two had a grand time with him?

The girls spun lies upon lies, each one building upon the last in an effort to appease Dominic's anger.

Dominic's anger shifted from Arette to Wyatte for daring to bother the love of his life. He completely believed Arette and April's lies because he was too obsessed with Arette to notice the inconsistencies in her story and her movements. He blindly accepted every word that flew out of her mouth.

Nicolas, on the other hand, saw through her facade. He had noticed her discomfort from the moment Dominic brought her, the eye rolls and gags exchanged with April, her immediate eagerness to leave when told, the genuine smiles she shared with Wyatte, and her inability to hold eye contact with Dominic while speaking.

Nicolas thought Arette was stunning but had initially dismissed any inappropriate thoughts because Dominic claimed her. However, after witnessing her deception, Nicolas's interest was piqued.

Regardless of her being Dominic's, he wanted her now.