Adhering to the rules.

April chimed in, eager to share more. "He complimented our dresses and even asked me to dance. Of course, I can't do that, but it was very nice to meet him though."

Sabrina's jealousy flared, imagining herself in that moment. "I bet it was. I should have been there instead of you, April. You're always getting in the way." Sabrina lashed out, letting go of Arette's dress and facing April.

April stiffened at the accusation. "What do you mean I'm always getting in the way? And about last night, it's not my fault. Miss insisted I go."

Sabrina huffed, her anger barely contained. She raised her voice so much that one might think she would devour April, "You always have an excuse, don't you? Just because Miss chose you doesn't mean you deserve it."

Arette intervened, slipping herself between April and Sabrina. "Sabrina, what is the meaning of this?!" She glared at Sabrina in utter disappointment for her words.