I could actually flee on a boat!

Before Mrs. Wolfe could respond, Dominic barged into Arette's room, shutting Mrs. Wolfe up, "Get ready, Arette. We have someplace to be in two hours."

Dominic's voice resounded in the room as he spoke, causing a discreet smile to crept on Mrs. Wolfe's but she quickly conceal it with a fake worry, "Chairman, I've been begging Miss to get ready for the past twenty minutes but she fought me and went on about how she hated being here!"

Mrs. Wolfe said, causing Arette to let out an inaudible scoff. Dominic glanced at Arette warningly after Mrs. Wolfe's words, his eyes narrowing slightly. Arette caught the silent message and nodded.

Without giving her any context, Dominic ordered, "Get ready." He left the room.