A remote place.

"Errmm… what AI?" Sabrina chuckled awkwardly, asking. She was ready to double down and say that she fell asleep whilst reading so she might have missed that part but when Arette laughed and turned to April;

"What AI? There was no AI in the book." Arette said.

"Yes, sorry, Sab. I got the book mixed with another. There wasn't AI in that book," April let out solemnly. Her thoughts raced, wondering if Sabrina actually read the book. If Sabrina had given an answer to the random question she asked, it would have proved her right that Sabrina never read the book but as Sabrina was unable to answer, it changed her perspective.

Maybe Sabrina has developed hobby for reading.

"It's fine…" she rushed to answer April, wanting to stop talking about the book, scared of getting caught lying about reading it. Sabrina turned to Arette and served her breakfast.