Pictures taken unaware.

"I'm sure," Dominic replied, his tone left no room for Dr. Grant to doubt him.

Dr. Grant nodded and gestured toward a small hospital bed. "Very well. Please have a seat, and we'll get started."

Arette's anxiety was reduced, just a bit as she saw that they came to the hospital for Dominic and not for her.

Dominic sat on the bed, rolling up his sleeve as Dr. Grant prepared the injection. Arette watched, her stomach knotting with anxiety. She had a deep-seated phobia of needles, and the sight of the syringe made her shiver involuntarily.

Dr. Grant approached Dominic, syringe in hand. "This will only take a moment," he said, his voice steady. He injected the serum into Dominic's arm, the process was quick and precise.

Arette's breath caught in her throat as she watched the needle pierce Dominic's skin. She felt a wave of nausea, her palms sweating. Despite her attempts to remain composed, the sight of the injection unsettled her deeply.