
The two girls glanced at each other in discomfort, acknowledging the creepiness of Dominic's choice. Shaking it off, Arette went to his contacts and skimmed through the list, identifying Matthew's number saved simply as "Matthew." She called him.

"Mr. Bruce, this is Arette."

Matthew responded instantly, thinking it was Dominic calling him, but when he heard Arette's voice on the other end, he was concerned. "Arette? Why are you calling on Dominic's phone?"

Arette took a deep breath, "Well, we're at the hospital. Dr. Grant injected Dominic with something, and now he's acting... weird."

Matthew knew exactly what she was talking about and his body instinctively rose from his seat. He was in the middle of a meeting when the call came in, causing the employees to glance at him in concern, wondering if something was wrong.