He is an unstable delusional psychopath with multiple personality disorder.

Mrs. Wolfe's eyes narrowed at Arette but she chose to ignore it for now. She focused on Arette, her voice coming out accusatory as if she were sure that Arette did something to Dominic. She never trusted her anyway. "What did you do to Dominic, Arette?"

Arette was taken aback, her eyes widening in disbelief. "What did I do? Are you serious?" Even though Arette had always known that Mrs. Wolfe never liked her, she still refused to believe that Mrs. Wolfe actually thought she did something to Dominic. What could she possibly do to him?

Mrs. Wolfe stepped closer, her voice rising. "Yes, I am. Ever since you came into his life, everything has been chaotic. He has never been seen like this by anyone! He's so weak that he couldn't even walk by himself and it's all your fault. You've brought nothing but bad luck!"