Why are you so obsessed with me?

Arette, sighing in disbelief, asked, "What do you mean by acting weird?"

"Well… as crazy as this may sound, I think she's obsessed with you. She has this kind of fixation on you and might not want you to leave. She might be looking for ways to sabotage our plans and keep you here even longer."

April wasn't blind to Sabrina's actions and changes. She saw the way Sabrina would glance at Arette in adoration, and Sabrina telling her that she was beneath Arette and not worthy of being Arette's servant spoke volumes.

"Do you think so?" Arette had no reason to doubt April since April had been on her side since day one and she had been helping her.


Meanwhile, Mrs. Wolfe stood in Dominic's room, her anger boiling beneath her forced calmness. She couldn't believe the audacity of that girl, Arette. But she had to keep her composure. Dominic needed her, and she couldn't let her emotions get the best of her.