[R] Let me through!

Dominic's eyes glistened with madness as he stepped closer. He bent down, his hand reaching out to cup Arette's chin, forcing her to look at him. "You're going to do what I say, and you're going to like it."

Arette's eyes filled with tears, her body trembling as she felt Dominic's hand on her skin. "Please," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Let me go."

But Dominic ignored her pleas, his fingers digging into her skin as he pulled her closer. Arette's world shrank down to the small space between her and Dominic, the sound of her own heartbeat pounding in her ears.

"Open your mouth," he ordered, his voice low and commanding.

Arette's breath caught in her throat, her eyes filled with fear and desperation. "Please," she begged. "I can't. I can't do this. Don't do this."

Dominic's grip only tightened, his hand fisting in her hair as he pulled her closer. "Open your mouth," he growled, his voice filled with menace.