April will be facing her end.

As Sabrina moved hastily down the passage, she almost collided with Dominic. She immediately halted in her tracks, her breath catching in her throat.

Dominic's pallor was unmistakable; his skin was sallow, and dark circles underscored his sunken eyes. He glanced at her, his gaze piercing despite his evident frailty.

"Are you Stacy?" Dominic's voice came out hoarse.

Sabrina swallowed hard, forcing herself to remain calm. "Yes, but it's Sabrina, sir. I usually stay with Miss and April."

Dominic's eyes narrowed slightly, processing her words. "Are you the one who exposed Arette and April?"

Sabrina hesitated for the briefest moment before nodding. "Yes, sir."

A slow, proud nod from Dominic followed, his lips curling into a faint, approving smile. "Good. You've done well."

Sabrina felt a mix of relief and unease at his approval. "Thank you, sir."

Dominic's expression hardened again. "Go to my room and help Arette get to hers."