The red is my natural hair colour.

Arette's frantic dash through the corridors came to an abrupt halt as she collided with Dominic, who had just emerged from the basement after visiting April. He hadn't done anything to her and neither was he planning to. He just went to see her pathetic state.

The impact sent a shock through Arette's already fragile frame, but she barely noticed the pain, her mind singularly focused on April.

"Let her go!" Arette screamed, her voice raw with fury. She pounded her fists weakly against Dominic's chest, her tears blurring her vision. "Please, Dominic, don't hurt April. It's my fault. Punish me, not her!"

Dominic's expression was a mix of surprise and annoyance, his weakness making his features even more gaunt and severe. He caught Arette's wrists, his grip firm but not harsh. "Calm yourself, Arette," he commanded, his voice icy. "Your hysteria won't change anything."