I love you.

On the way, Garette continued to tease Joseph about his oversized outfit. "You know, if anyone asks, I'm telling them you borrowed those clothes from your boyfriend."

Joseph snorted. "Go ahead. Maybe I'll get a free drink out of it."

As Dyanne and Emily arrived at the bowling alley, Emily noticed Garette and Joseph already engaged in banter with each other and seemed to be having fun. She frowned slightly and crossed her arms, feeling left out.

"Why didn't you guys wait for us?" Emily pouted, looking at Joseph.

Joseph shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, come on, Emily. Get over yourself and don't be such a drama queen. We were just getting ready to kick Garette's butt in bowling."

Emily huffed but couldn't help smiling a little at Joseph's teasing. "Fine, but next time, wait for us."

Joseph nodded, trying to placate her. "Got it, got it. Let's just have fun now."