I look better than a female ballet dancer.

Joseph shook his head, his expression playful but determined. "Nope. I figure we can hang out at your place, maybe grab a snack, and then head to the bowling alley together. It'll be fun, Garette. You'll see."

Garette stared at him for a moment, contemplating. He wasn't used to people insisting on spending time with him, especially outside of school. But there was something about Joseph's relentless optimism that made it hard to stay mad.

"Alright, fine," Garette said, throwing his hands up in mock defeat. "But don't say I didn't warn you if my family freaks out." He lied again. Maybe he was desperate to have his parents back at home, scolding him for bringing a friend over without notice.

Joseph's smile broadened, and he clapped Garette on the back. "Deal. Lead the way, my friend."