I never agreed to that.

Joseph's frustration boiled over. "Yes, I do! Because it's the truth! Garette has always been the scapegoat because he doesn't fit into your mold of a 'good student.' But this time, he did nothing wrong. He was standing up against bullies, something this school should be supporting, not punishing."

Spears opened his mouth to retort but paused, seeing the sincerity in Joseph's eyes. He glanced at Garette, who remained silent, and then back to Joseph. The room was filled with tension.

After a long moment, Spears sighed, the anger dissipating from his face. "Alright, Joseph. I'll take your word for it this time. But if I find out you're lying, there will be consequences for both of you. Understood?"

Joseph nodded vigorously. "Yes, sir. Thank you."

Spears rubbed his temples. "Fine. Both of you, head back to class. Settle down and get ready for your exams. I'll deal with the other boys later."