
Mr. Clark leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Emily as she took her seat. "Emily, thank you for joining us. We need to ask you some questions regarding the rumours about Dyanne."

"Of course," Emily replied, trying to maintain her composure. "I'm happy to help. Dyanne is my best friend."

"As you know, these rumours have caused significant distress," Mr. Clark began. "We've been told that you were close to Dyanne and that you took over as cheerleading captain after she was removed. Can you tell us about your relationship with her?"

"Dyanne and I are friends," Emily said. "We were on the same cheerleading team, and I guess we are pretty close."

Mr. Clark nodded. "How did you feel about her relationship with Garette?"

"It was fine," Emily answered quickly. "I mean, I didn't really think much about it. It's their business, not mine."