
Principal Campbell addressed Emily with a stern yet calm expression. "Emily, your parents will be called in, and we'll have a meeting to discuss your actions and the consequences. For now, you are suspended until further notice and you will not be writing your remaining exams."

Emily nodded, unable to speak, as the teachers began making arrangements for the next steps.

News of Emily's actions spread like wildfire through the school. Within hours, group chats buzzed with furious messages, students expressing their rage and disgust at Emily's betrayal of her supposed best friend. The once-popular cheerleader found herself the subject of mockery, her social standing shattered.

As Emily was escorted out of the staff room by Mrs. Harris, she kept her head down, trying to ignore the stares and whispers of the students gathered in the hallways. "That's her," "Unbelievable!" "I can't believe I used to like her."

Her steps quickened out of shame and regret.