Did you know Dyanne is a Ferrari?

Garette woke up to the sound of his alarm blaring at 6:30 AM. He groaned, reaching over to silence it, and lay in bed for a few moments, staring at the ceiling. The morning light filtered through his curtains, casting a soft glow over his room. With a sigh, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and got up, stretching.

He shuffled to the bathroom, the cool tiles waking him up a bit more. After brushing his teeth and splashing some water on his face, he looked at himself in the mirror. His natural ginger hair was a mess, sticking up in all directions. He grabbed a comb and tamed it.

Garette dressed quickly, pulling on his ironed uniform and a hoodie over it. He grabbed his backpack, making sure he had all his supplies ready for the day. As he headed downstairs, he made coffee in the kitchen.

Lauren was already up, sitting at the kitchen table with a mug in her hand.