Sabrina is suspicious.

Arette was woken up in the morning by Mrs. Wolfe's obnoxious face with Clara, Beth, and Sabrina walking in behind her. Sabrina couldn't help but feel sad for Arette; her condition was worsening. Arette's skin was pale and clammy, her eyes dull and glassy, and she struggled to sit up without assistance. Her breathing was shallow and laboured, and dark circles under her eyes showed enough.

Mrs. Wolfe, however, seemed satisfied with this version of Arette because this version wasn't talking back to her, a cold smile playing on her lips.

Clara and Beth went on with their usual morning routine for Arette. Clara moved to the nightstand and picked up the toothbrush and toothpaste, while Beth filled a basin with warm water and laid out a fresh set of clothes.

"Good morning, Miss," Clara said softly, her voice attempting cheerfulness. "Let's get you ready for the day." The girls had gotten used to Arette and once in a while tried to speak to her.