This is heaven.

Matthew nodded slowly. "I know. And that's why I'm helping you. But you have to understand, my loyalty to the Chairman doesn't just disappear. I owe him my life, and that debt can't be ignored."

Dami sighed, "I'll pretend I understand. I just hope you can find a way to stop him without losing yourself in the process. You are your own person."

The fact that Dami was having dinner with someone who was supposed to be an enemy confused her, but she was forcing herself to believe she was only tolerating Matthew for Arette's sake. Deep down, she knew she enjoyed being around him.

As the conversation began to wane, the atmosphere between Matthew and Dami softened. Matthew smiled, the usual glint of amusement returning to his eyes. "You know, Washington, I never thought I'd be sitting here, sharing my life story with someone I was supposed to be keeping an eye on."

"Ah, so you admit that you approached me because you were sent to keep tabs on me!"