I don't want a monster like you.

"I don't want a monster like you as the father of my child!" she screamed, her voice filled with raw emotion. "You think you can just waltz in here and spill some garbage about a love that never existed? You're delusional, Dominic! I want nothing to do with you. I don't want my child to have anything to do with you! I hate you with a passion! And I will find a way to get my child away from a vile person like you."

Her words struck a nerve, and Dominic's face twisted with anger. In a flash, he crossed the room, grabbing her neck abruptly. His grip was tight, his eyes burning with fury. "You think you can just leave me?" he hissed, his voice low and dangerous. "You think you can take my child away from me?"

Arette's eyes widened in fear, her hands clawing at his to loosen his grip. "Dominic, stop!" she choked out, struggling to breathe.