Evelyn Harper.

Upon meeting a dead end for Orange Orphanage, and even though Garette felt like giving up and accepting his fate, he didn't. He had tried contacting and emailing every number he found online that was associated with Orange Orphanage. Just as he thought it had been months and there was no way he was going to get replies from any of the people he contacted, he suddenly got an email response from an unexpected source.

He had sent different messages informing the recipients that he was one of the kids that was raised by the orphanage but was adopted and would like to know what happened to the orphanage over the years.

The email response came from a woman named Evelyn Harper, who identified herself as a former volunteer at Orange Orphanage. Garette's heart raced as he read her words, feeling hopeful amidst his frustration.

"Dear Garette,