Swapping spit.

Garette and Joseph walked home from school. The day had been long, but it ended on a high note for Garette, who had spent the last part of it making out with Dyanne in an empty classroom.

Joseph smirked, nudging Garette with his elbow. "So, did you two set a new school record for face-eating or what?"

Garette laughed, shoving Joseph playfully. "Jealous much? Maybe if you had someone to swap spit with, you'd know."

"Hey, my lips are saving themselves for the perfect moment," Joseph retorted, striking a dramatic pose. "Besides, I don't need anyone messing with this flawless face."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night," Garette said, rolling his eyes.

Joseph's grin widened. "Speaking of sleep, you should crash at my place tonight. My mom's working late, and it'll be way more fun than being alone."