Chapter 13: Captured


Caleb’s point of view.

Soon, we arrived at the hotel and I booked a room. It was not much of a struggle getting up here because Kim was still in little control over her mind but now she wasn’t. She was high on another level. I was struggling to swipe in the access card in the room slot with Kim leaning totally on me. After several attempts, Kim would not stop moving, I was letting my frustration get to me. I finally got the door unlocked and we staggered in. I could tolerate being Vashi’s video editor but this was not part of the agreement. I would do anything for that bundle of cash so this was not supposed to be a problem.

The door closed automatically when we got In and I directed us to the bed. Kim was half conscious, she was a beautiful woman. Sad to see her going through all of this. I lowered myself to the bed but rose again to set up the camera.

Kim sat up, whining when we lost contact, “Caleb, where are you going?”