In the depths of love, choice and betrayal, “Bianca”, a mermaid, and “Bruno”, a human, find true love in the most contracting place. (the Ocean and the Land). Meet Bianca, a mermaid who has her own fears and obstacles that want her down. How about when she gets entangled with Bruno and their relationship takes shape? Meanwhile, Bruno is betrothed to Kim, only to end up as a game of secrets, betrayal and alliances between “Carl”, his mother , “ Vashi” Kim's best friend, “Vera” his Personal Assistant, and the three mermaids. What if you were asked to choose between power, wealth(Business) and True Love, which would you go for? Especially when it comes with its ups and downs, betrayals, alliances, Secrets upon Secrets that all raise their ugly head to prevent you from getting your happily ever after with that one true person you love. Find out what happens to Bruno’s company and Bianca’s territory as the Mermaid Queen of the Oceans. Who will forfeit what for the other? Why and how will it happen? Find out in this epic fantasy Romance story...