In the year 3758 AD, the First Fleet.


Yan Xia rubbed his head, feeling heavy.

"Hangovers are the biggest enemies of those who love alcohol."

His mind felt sluggish.

On Earth, he didn't drink alcohol, but afterwards, he still had Ella make some grain alcohol because of his melancholy.

In the vastness of space, loneliness and pressure attacked him constantly. He was just a normal human being, or rather, he used to be just an ordinary person.

"Oh right, superconductivity..."

He suddenly remembered this matter, but then recalled that controlled-temperature superconductivity seemed to have already been achieved.

He remembered that after drinking, he returned to his bedroom and entered the hibernation pod, then fell asleep.

"I shouldn't have entered hibernation yet."

Yan Xia looked at the clock in the bedroom. Due to the conditions in space, the clock no longer displayed hours, minutes, and seconds, but years.

It was now the year 3758 AD.

He had completed one hibernation cycle.

And during that hibernation, 734 years had already passed.

Time flies.

He wondered how far Ella had advanced.

Yan Xia dressed and walked out of the bedroom. Ella already knew he had woken up and had a service robot bring him food.

After comfortably finishing his meal, he entered the cockpit.

"Welcome back 734 years later, Yan Xia."

Yan Xia nodded towards Ella and took his seat.

Nothing had changed here compared to many years ago.

He activated the controls he could access and discovered some new additions.

For example...

"Missile launch" was one of the options.

The interface was simple and easy to understand. He clicked into it and saw what he had planned before: small-scale absolute zero weapons.

"It seems the modifications to the Hope are already complete."

Ella answered, "Yes, Yan Xia."

"Due to the existing design of the Hope, I didn't make significant changes to it."

"However, it underwent a comprehensive internal upgrade, allowing its speed to reach the previously mentioned 1222.22 km/s."

"It also carries small-scale absolute zero missiles, and we made improvements to the initial plan of 36 missiles, increasing the payload to 48."

Indeed, it was a significant improvement.

But what Yan Xia was most concerned about was something he had planned during the two awake years.

"What about the First Fleet?"

Attacking a civilization with just the Hope was impossible.

It required an entire fleet.

For this reason, Yan Xia and Ella devised a plan to build the First Fleet during these years.

"Yes, Ella has also completed the First Fleet."

"Take a look!"

With a wave of Ella's hand, a column of various ships appeared on the huge screen in the cockpit.

Yan Xia, who had some expectations for the fleet, couldn't help but show a surprised expression when he saw these ships.

The scale was much larger than he had imagined.

Seeing Yan Xia's astonishment, Ella proudly continued the introduction.

"The First Fleet consists of the Hope as the flagship, equipped with 12 1200-meter-class battleships, 5 1400-meter-class cruisers, 6 800-meter-class frigates, 4 2400-meter-class landing ships, and 16 500-meter-class destroyers, totaling 44 ships."

Generally, a dozen ships would be considered a complete fleet.

Yet Ella had constructed the First Fleet with a staggering 44 ships, emphasizing quantity as strength.

Ella continued the introduction: "The battleships are the most firepower-intensive ships, equipped with powerful main cannons. The cruisers have the highest maneuverability, capable of reaching speeds of up to 1455 km/s. The frigates have the strongest defense, utilizing a super-strong alloy for their hulls, leaving little extra space inside. They are primarily equipped with defensive missiles and the latest generation of electromagnetic force field shields, which can effectively distort lasers. Each landing ship is equipped with the latest War God I-class mechs, with 300 units, and Falcon III-class scouts, with 40 units, serving both attack and reconnaissance purposes. The destroyers are also equipped with low-power electromagnetic force field shields and have both offensive and defensive attack modes. They can serve as secondary battleships when firepower is insufficient."

Each type of ship had its own role, and the First Fleet would be the main force for Yan Xia's future conquests in the universe.

"Please provide an update on the current situation of the enemy," Yan Xia requested. With the First Fleet at his disposal, he had undergone a transformation. They now possessed the ability to wage war against an entire civilization and a planet.

Ella, being professional, quickly summarized the information. "During these 734 years, I have launched all ten absolute zero weapons and sent a squadron of Falcons to gather information about the enemy. It turns out that the enemy civilization is indeed developing at an extremely slow pace. Their overall mental agility is more than one level lower than that of humans, resulting in an exceptionally slow pace of technological innovation. Under the bombardment of our absolute zero missiles, their civilization has stagnated. In these 734 years, they have only achieved three cycles of technological progress, which is equivalent to the progress they would have made in 47 years. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that they intentionally concealed their progress. Therefore, I have equipped the Falcon II-class scouts with nuclear weapons, and once their mission is completed, they will launch suicide attacks on their main structures. Currently, we have not gathered any information about them possessing highly advanced technological weapons. The launch of the absolute zero weapons has ceased for 343 years, and their planet has returned to its original geothermal environment. After our strikes, they have also consolidated their deployment in space. The current count of their ships is 1574, which may seem like a lot, but only 61 of them are above 1000 meters in size."

Yan Xia wanted a more detailed assessment. He wanted to hear Ella's judgment on the current situation. "Do we now have the possibility to launch an attack against their civilization?"

Ella was not optimistic about it. "If we were to launch an attack now, our chances of winning would be only 60.84%. Ella does not recommend launching an attack at this time."

Yan Xia was surprised by how low the chances were. They had clearly achieved overwhelming superiority. But upon further consideration, it made sense. Although the enemy civilization lacked the quality to match them, they had a significant numerical advantage. Engaging in a war against another civilization without an absolute advantage could easily turn into a protracted conflict, which would be disadvantageous for their nomadic civilization. The lessons from human history of warfare were still fresh in his mind. War was not just about military strength; it also involved the will of the opposing civilization. Without eroding their will, their resistance would continue indefinitely. Furthermore, Yan Xia's goal was not genocide but a colonial war, similar to the ones that had occurred within human civilization.

"What are we still lacking then?" Yan Xia asked. He was willing to wait for anything. With the hibernation pod at his disposal, he could simply go back to sleep.

Ella's answer was concise and clear. "Main cannons!"