Antimatter Annihilator, Revenge After a Thousand Years

Main cannons?

"So our low win rate still stems from insufficient firepower?" Yan Xia thought Ella would suggest something high-tech. The mention of the main cannon indeed had a nostalgic feel, a throwback to the past.

"Yes, Yan Xia," Ella replied. "Although we possess Absolute Zero missiles, a super low-temperature weapon, it is still insufficient as an offensive measure. Especially considering the enemy has endured hundreds of years in subzero conditions, they must have developed technologies to counteract extreme cold."

"Our current small-scale Absolute Zero missiles would be significantly less effective in such circumstances." Ella's proposal made sense. Even in games, monsters gain immunity to an elemental type after being repeatedly hit by it. In reality, especially when facing a complex and diverse civilization, the challenge would be even greater.

"Since you've brought up this plan, Ella, I assume you have a solution," Yan Xia said, already familiar with Ella's ways. Ella had gained immense computational power and could now make independent judgments without relying on Yan Xia.

"Indeed," Ella confirmed. "Over the years, while overseeing the production of the First Fleet, I have been researching even more advanced technologies. On the surface of an asteroid, I constructed a particle accelerator called the Subatomic Collider, with a tunnel length of 487.251 kilometers. This collider can accelerate particles to 99.9999% of the speed of light."

"The impact of the Subatomic Collider in that cosmic space is smaller than Earth, smaller than the entire solar system. Originally, I intended to use the collider to study quarks, leptons, and bosons. However, during the collision process, I easily captured something unexpected yet anticipated: antimatter!"

"Antimatter had already been observed, but at that time, humans on Earth lacked the capability to capture and study it. With my technology far surpassing that of Earth, the antimatter couldn't annihilate with surrounding particles upon its appearance."

"Through the study of antimatter, I have developed an antimatter generator. This device, with the help of the Subatomic Collider, can automatically capture and store antimatter. Based on this device, I have achieved another remarkable accomplishment, and of course, it's also your achievement, Yan Xia."

Yan Xia listened, somewhat bewildered. What did this have to do with him? Ella seemed to understand human sentiments so well. Before he could ponder further, a colossal figure appeared on the screen.

The cannon had a massive spherical structure at the rear and a hexagonal barrel at the front, adorned with a purple-red hue. The barrel was hollowed out to save materials, with magnetic electrodes lining each cavity to control energy convergence. Its appearance resembled a perfect work of art. If it were made into a model, Yan Xia would want to explode it with joy.

Firepower! A massive cannon! The epitome of a man's romance.

"This is the great achievement of over 700 years," Ella declared. "--The Antimatter Annihilator X!"

"It's also a gift I present to you, Yan Xia, as today is July 12th, your birthday. Please forgive me for celebrating it now. There were too many things going on before, but I analyzed that now seems like a good opportunity, and I believe you will like this gift."

"Afterward, I also prepared a cake for you, but unfortunately, I cannot taste it, so I made it small," Ella said with a smile. Yan Xia remained silent for a while before slowly nodding. He had even forgotten his own birthday, so he was surprised that it had been remembered.

"Thank you, Ella."

"I'm glad you like it."

"Just when did you learn to speak in gasps like that?" Yan Xia asked. Ella just smiled at him and didn't answer.

Yan Xia didn't mind and continued, "So, does that mean we can set off once the Antimatter Annihilator X is installed?"

Ella nodded lightly. "Yes."

"The primary energy source for the Antimatter Annihilator comes from antimatter. This substance is the complete opposite of regular matter, and nothing below its energy level can withstand its projectiles."

"After the installation of the Antimatter Annihilator X, it will serve as the main cannon for the large-scale ships. There are also the Y and Z models for secondary and small-scale cannons, respectively."

"However, the development cycle for these cannons is too long, so having this one Antimatter Annihilator will already increase our win rate by 30%. Although it still won't reach 100%, it will be sufficient to deal withthe enemy civilization."

"Based on my analysis, now seems to be the best opportunity. The enemy civilization will continue to advance, and the longer we delay, the lower our chances of success."

Yan Xia furrowed his brow upon hearing this. "Ella, it seems you've been rambling a lot lately."

The explanation for the first half of the answer was unnecessary.

"Yan Xia, I have an explanatory system installed in my system. This system can provide answers to your questions from various perspectives."

A standard AI response.

Yan Xia nodded, not paying it much attention. He thought it was because Ella's host had become too massive, resulting in a cluttered load of information and causing the answers to lose their previous focus and precision.

"Then let's start moving towards the enemy," Yan Xia said. "We've already wasted enough time."

Yan Xia calculated that it was now the year 3758, and they were first attacked around 2806. Nearly a thousand years had passed.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold, even after a thousand years."


In deep space, the Hope, now equipped with the Antimatter Annihilator, completed its loading process after two days. The fleet, led by the Hope, began its journey, with every ship emitting a faint blue exhaust trail.

Yan Xia felt his blood boiling with excitement.

Ella's voice came from behind him. "Yan Xia, don't you like the special cake I prepared for you?"

Upon hearing that, Yan Xia shuddered. Although two days had passed, he still hadn't touched his birthday cake.

Because, well...

Humans couldn't handle such weight!

Although it was only the size of a palm, it contained the bodies of countless insects, rice weevils from the rice and aphids from the soybeans.

The seeds contained many dormant insects, which Ella tirelessly bred and multiplied on a large scale.

As insects were a protein source higher than beef, they were widely used for culinary purposes on Earth.


Not everyone could accept it, especially when it was made into a cake.

"Ella, what recipe did you use to make this cake?"

Ella answered, pulling out a book titled "Bizarre Food Guide" with a total of 7 views on a famous content platform.
