Whatever They're After


We settle in and I even have what Darla calls a "restorative nap," although my mind is too busy for much of it to let me sleep.

When I finally do, I have dreams—nightmares, really. All the anxieties running around in my subconscious coming to the fore. I feel more tired after my nap than before, and so I decide, on Darla's insistence for tonight, at least, to dine in my room.

Tyler looks highly approving when he finds out. "I'll stay up here, too," he says.

"No, angel. You go down and enjoy yourself with all those people you like."

 "I like you," he retorts.

"I want you to relax while we're here."

He folds his arms. "I'm not going to leave you sitting up here brooding on your own."

"I won't be alone; I've asked Gloria to join me. We have things to discuss, angel. Business."