Others In Other Classes...

Class 1 D

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's POV

Am was really tired, i should just take it easy, but Horikita kept glaring at me for no reason in particular.

"Is there a reason you keep glaring at me, Horikita?." i asked her

" I was just wondering about the midterm exams, sensei Chabashira threw us another hint, about studying. But i am annoyed by those three idiots" she shared her brimming thought.

She was talking about Ike, Yamauchi but Sudo in particular was kind of a lost cause

"Okay what does it have to do with me?."

She simply reduced her glare to a stare and sighs.

"Nothing...i will be taking my leave."

Horikita was hell bent on reaching class A so i highly doubt that she cared about her fellow classmates. She does this for her own personal gain.

She stood up and went out of the class ignoring Kushida's advances. I decided to leave the classroom until he came along.

" Ayanokouji, You going to catch up with Horikita?"

"Oh not that...just checking out the mall. I have to buy some groceries"

"Mind if i follow you, eh Kouji?"

" Why'd you call me Kouji?"

"Oh yeah your name is a little long, so i thought Kouji was better."

He made a good point though, i did thought about my name being a bit long, although i don't really care about what anyone calls me.

" I don't mind you coming with me, Whis"

Whis Kurushima is an average student, his facial features are foreign, you could tell through his eyes and pointed nose. He did mention he wasn't from Japan too .





Third person POV

Ayanokouji and Whis could be seen in a small grocery store, due to Whis asking Kouji to go to a grocery store, cause he received a lot of stare's from others in the mall.

After Ayanokouji was done hey Whis approached him.

" Is it normal for Japanese to stare at Foreigner's that often?"

Ayanokouji couldn't give a quick response. He lived most of his life in the White Room.

"Um..... i can't say, the people of Japan are really xenophobic and very socially awkward to themselves. They're defining traits, is they're very polite people.But your face is quite unique from my opinion"

" Is that so? although they should really minimize the looks"

Whis also made a few purchases, and they both went out of the store.

" Hey Kouji, are you going to be part of the study group?"

" I don't know..... maybe, i guess"

"If you're interested be sure to call me"

"If am the reason you're not going to study group, then you should just join in. Am not going to be present for sometime and the exams isn't quite far"

"But i told man, i can't really handle the stares. You feel me?"

" Fine"

" Noice!!!"








Whis Kurushima's POV

Ayanokouji stopped to answer his phone call he was a bit reluctant at answering at first but he picked up the call.

(??): Ayankouji, could you come meet me at the cafeteria, like right now?

From the voice, i could tell it was Horikita, cause she was the only person Kouji talks to.

( Ayanokoji): Uh .....yeah, but why...

( Horikita): Make it quick, i have studies to attend to.

Cut's phone call.

" Sheesh!!, she's harsh. So what she told ya?" i questioned him even though i know what she said.

" Nothing, just saying to come meet her in the cafeteria." he replied with his usual tone. Ge reminded me of someone.

"Alright then i guess imma head back to my dorm, see ya" Whis waved him off, heading the opposite direction.





Whis walks to the corner of a building far from the sight of Kouji and answered the vibrating phone.

(??): So what's up with your side of the coin ?

( Whis): Yeah the students of class 1 D are totally shitty, only normal guy around here is Hirata, and i maybe guessing.

(??): My class are fighting for the class leadership, it's in unstable state. But our mission remains the same.

( Whis): Yeah, to flush out the White Room successor . Have you told Him yet?.

(??): He keeps ignoring my calls and every time i went to his class, he isn't there. It's like he skillfully avoids me.

(Whis): What about Lloyd?.

(??): ...

( Whis): I see..... we will make a meeting concerning the revelation of the White Room experiment's.

(??): understood.





Class 1A

Katsuragi Kohei's POV

Class has ended, but the students of class A was different from other classes. We all gathered in two separate fractions opposing each other.

My opponent, Sakanayagi Arisu, had a smug lok on her face the lilac haired girl who stood upright on her cain walked up to me.

" Are you considering forfeiting this debate, cause in reality, you're on the losing side Katsuragi." She kept her smug smile up her face.

" I am sorry to disappoint, but i won't yield to forfeiting this debate."

"Surely, you do know we all kept up with your antics already, yes we are at the top of the class ranking but we aren't solidifying that position. I won't deny your leadership skills but let's be honest... you're not fit for this role in Class A. wouldn't tou agree". She was taunting me and i have to admit it was working.

" Arisu, i acknowledge your intelligence and intellectual abilities why don't we work hand in hand so we can graduate from this school in Class A". I tried forming a pact the third time.

" Oho, am sorry, but that won't do Katsuragi kun. It's all or nothing." This little girl.

It was obvious she wanted war, to prove she's superior, but i won't be having any of that.

" How about we assign Katsuragi as the leader" Arisu proposed.

"What's with the sudden change of heart, already decided on battling me."

" Of course not, you're a temporary leader of Class A. This method is to see who performs better at leading the class, if you screw up, you'll be handing the reigns to Arisu"

I looked to who was speaking.

Sienna Langley. The main orbiter of Arisu. Sienna appears as an Asian girl, but she exhibit unusual behavior. Than that of an Asian disciplined upbringing.... she is too loose.

"Sienna Langley is right, that is what i meant". Arisu confirmed her explanation.

" I will not agree to this proposal cau...."

"Are you perhaps scared, Katsuragi ?" She questioned in a taunting manner.

What the heck i am not. I just think she has some kind of trick up her sleeves. Sienna had a small smile on her face.

"Very well. I agree." I reluctantly correspond with her.

" Good luck, Katsuragi kun" She and her pawns walked out of the class leaving only me and my faction.

" Katsuragi, are you going to really agree to such idea" Yahiko said in a worried tone.

" Yeah, if you fail to meet up with the class expectations, you won't be candidate for the leadership of Class A" Koji Machida added.

Though it is true that Arisu set a high scale for me and if i fall below. I won't be named the leader. Arisu is quite cunning. She set her bar so low so that when she displays a great performance, they would consider her more better.

Which is why..... we have to surpass all limitations and lead Class A to victory.






Arisu Sakanayagi POV

" Arisu, that was quite the great idea, for proposing that Katsuragi to be the first temporary leader." Sienna was quite excited for a reason that i was yet to know.

I picked up the chess piece of bishop and putting the king in a stalemate.

Sienna laughed in self depreciation.

" It seems you beat me again Arisu san, you're really good at chess" I looked at her for a moment.

" Why didn't you take credit for the idea that would determine the class leader?"

She now had a serious face as her sky blue hair and red tip swayed due to the breeze.

" I didn't make that idea Arisu, it was yours you're better at planning." She picked her book " i don't think i can come up such a plan".

" Oho..... i suppose that it was my plan, though cementing our position as the student of Class would be quite harder. But that's where the fun begins" i take a sip from my green tea.

Sienna simply gave a closed eye smile.

"Are you the best in chess Arisu... do you think that you could beat someone of higher league,

" It would be the best to finally have someone who i could go toe to toe with me, but sadly this school..... it doesn't have such candidates"

"I believe you're the definition of natural genius, Sakanayagi san"

" Fufu, my that's quite flattering. But i seem to hate the idea that a genius can be made, i set to prove that a true genius is nothing but something born with."

"cause they're...hmmm should i say..... false genius "

"Oho what a beautiful term to describe this topic... though as false as this genius is, it is quite capable"

She leans forward, closer to my face.

"Yes, but the only way to make a genius like this is by forcing them to surpass they're human limits and..... no.... i would say such genius won't understand the outside world but can seemingly grasp it. The worst kind of genius is the adaptive genius"

What..... how does she..... let me keep my calm can't let her know my knowledge of White Room. Wait why does she even want information on the White Room.

" I suppose you could say that..... but a false genius, that's a strong title. To be honest i don't think anyone in the school is befitting to such title"

"Yes, Arisu. no one is deserving to such titles "

She rested her head on her palm with deep orange hollow eyes staring at me intently. A little shiver ran down my spine.

" Well, i will be taking my leave....."

She stopped at the door and turned to me

".....And i think Katsuragi will fail. He's not the best to fit this role just like you predicted it Sakanayagi, it was all your plan...." This time she fed me praise and i was thinking she overstimated me.

" That's why you would make the best choice as the leader of Class A" She gave me a little smile then turned to walk out of the silent library.

Sienna is a influential student in the year, if i can use her to my leverage then my chances of dominating the whole first year will be light weight

.... But one student might hinder that goal... that's why i have to crush him.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka










Class 1C.

Ryuuen Kakeru.

The class big bad wolf. during my past 1 month in Class 1C, i have noticed that Ryuuen is the so called leader of the Class C the representative.

He doesn't use trust in leading his classmates but rather he uses fear. His magenta hair and black eyes would intimidate people.

A punch came to my gut, followed by kick to my face. I fell to the ground and grabbed hold of my stomach.

Albert Yamada picked me up like i was a toy and gave me punch to my face. Ichizaki follows up, by proceeding to give me a knuckle to my ribcage.

All of them laughed in unison. That's when the big bad wolf came.

Ryuuen Kakeru.

He grabbed my hair up.

" You look like shit, you know that right?" he sneered in my ear.

" I guess we have something in common"He narrows his eyes, my response seemed to piss him off.

" Beat the crap out of him" He gave his orders to his goons.

They started punching me again.

What am i gonna have for dinner?.


Pizza or just some noodles?


Nah, am pretty sure that am gonna go for some cake...





.. After a good 7 minutes of beating Ryuuen orders them to stop.

" It seemed like he's taken enough. Hey Nero" I looked up to Ryuuen.

" You're a monster you know that right? not even a scratch on you"

I just shrugged my shoulders as i smiled on the floor i was sitting on .

The next day i walked to class and took my seat.

But Ryuuen and ibuki were planning on something about attacking and framing someone from Class 1D.

" Yeah, maybe we need to give a large gap in in class point from us and Class D." ibuki stated.

"Who is the most aggressive student in Class D though?" Ichizaki asked.

" That's definitely Sudo Ken, that prick we met at the mall entrance the other day". Ryuuen had a smug smile on.

" Yeah that's right i heared most of the Class D students complain about his aggressive nature"

"Alright that's settled, i just want you to keep in my mind. That i didn't do this cause of making the Class points gap larger. I just love causing trouble."

Ibuki had an irritated expression on her face as she looked at Ryuuen.

She gazed towards my direction and saw i was looking towards their little gathering.

" What the heck are you staring?" she shot at me with a cold gaze.

"Am so sorry " i bowed my head. This bitch is ready to run the ones with me, i swear if the time comes, i will take both you and Ryuuen off the map.

But now i have to contact the others.I brought out my phone.

i really don't like talking to them.

But oh well.....