Nero's Monologue

"I have no problems where I am. No problems with the people I meet. It's just… I prefer my own company.

You think I'm lonely? Not at all. I enjoy solitude. When this mission ends, I'll return to the Nursery. Though, truth be told, I don't exactly want to go back. This school? It's a haven for lazy geniuses like me.

My room? My sanctuary. I talk to myself, experiment with music, devour dishes I've never tried before. It's… peaceful.

The girls here… they're different. More… expressive. Sienna, for instance. I've never seen her this… social. It's an act, I'm sure.

A calculated move to gain control over Class 1-A. And I don't doubt her ability to succeed.

Frankly, I don't care.

Nobody can truly make my life interesting. I don't know much about the others sent on this mission. Whis is the closest to my room. I've heard of Sienna, and of course, Lloyd.

He's the golden boy. The Director doesn't shower praise on just anyone in the Nursery. Lloyd might be the best in his class, but I… I'm a lazy beast. No point in pushing myself to prove I'm superior. If the chance comes, it comes.

Sienna's maneuvering to control Class 1-A… perhaps she has a… complicated relationship with Lloyd. Or maybe it's simply hatred. We do share a common goal, I suppose. To surpass Lloyd.

The problem is, I'm too damn lazy to do anything about it.

I wonder how Lloyd will react during his rebellious phase. Will he defy orders?


No matter how exceptional he is in the Nursery, he wouldn't dare.

But the matter at hand… the White Room Masterpiece. I'm curious to see the extent of their… "torturous" training.

My phone vibrated, pulling me from my musings. Whis. Finally, a sign of life.

[Hey, Nero, I have some plans. I think you might be interested.]

I was expecting his call. He's the most… approachable of the bunch.

[What's the word, bro? Been waiting for you to make a move.]

[Is that so? Then let me lay out the plan.]

[Alright, alright. Time to get this lazy brain working.]

And so, we discussed our plans, using Ryuen's attack to our advantage."